Self Introduction of JA1VBN
@swiss,near Eiger ...  of  Kleine Scheidegg (スイスのクライネ・シャイデックのアイガー・ノルトヴァント(北壁)というレストランの近くからバックにアイガー北壁を望む

I was born in Chiba, Japan, during the Dankai-no-Sedai (Baby Boomer) generation. Now, I live in Yokosuka, Kanagawa, JAPAN. My major hobbies are amateur radio (also known as HAM Radio), photography, and audio. I started my HAM station, JA1VBN, in 1965 and restarted it in 1999. I obtained my 3rd class license in 2001 and my 2nd class license in 2002, respectively.
Tnx FB DX 73 & 88 de JA1VBN

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